FIN1869304 Financial markets Learning and assessment strategy February 2025
Training organization
Qualification code
Financial markets
Packaging rules
Remember the best resource for qualification is the official TGA resource, which can be found here. Of notability is a listing of the requisite coverage under "Download content" in Word and PDF format (i.e. the qualification information), as well as component information (i.e. qualification coverage).
Unit codes
Unit code
Business fundamentals
Financial markets
Mathematical modeling
Clients and environment
The characteristics of learners are mainly either students who are busy who want education when they want it, or students who are rural who want education where they want it. The strategy to achieve this, is to utilize a combination of audio, video and kinesthetic pedagogies to teach. Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) concerns are addressed by the use of explanations using single language and math. Staff and students should have access to a HTML5 browser, with an Adobe Flash plugin.
The purpose of MR. SHUM'S CLASSROOM is to enthuse students in the learning process. The objective is to delineate a set of knowledge, practical and professional (communication, teamwork, problem solving, initiative and enterprise, planning and organizing, self-management, learning and technology) skills to the learner. The online nature means it is accessible any time, anywhere, and there are lower WHS risks apart from prolonged computer usage. The cost of course is currently priced at approximately analogous to other online providers. We also offer scholarships to improve accessibility to disadvantaged students.
Training and assessment arrangements
Course delivery is over a period of 0, using a combination of PowerPoint, podcast audio, and study guide. Because of the online delivery nature of this qualification, students cannot attend a physical classroom, and as such, may require use of Skype and other YouTube video technologies. For students that are under 18, as a real work environment may be unavailable, a simulated work or industry environment will be provided, and supervision provided synchronously over internet communication technologies.
The program will be delivered through a series of e-learning materials and textbook readings, with formative discussion questions to be conferred in groups, and quizzes for students to independently complete throughout the program, and practical tasks where applicable. The e-learning platform provides a simulated work environment where possible, through the use of case studies. Students are then required to complete summative assessment tasks, recommended so as work placement, to demonstrate competency. Assessments are conducted through the e-learning platform, through work experience, work placement, simulated work environments, or a combination of these, depending on the requirements of the student.
The program will be delivered by dividing units into various clusters, including:
Unit code
The types of evidence that will be collected towards competency and enable judgments to be made about the students’ competency in each unit, is identified in the below matrix. Assessors have the flexibility, according to the requirements of the training package, to accept other forms of evidence from individual students, such as through RPL. Employment skills are assessed in all assessment items.
All assessment tools include all administrative, recording and reporting tools require to administer assessment, including the context and conditions for assessment, tasks the student will undertake, examples of evidence to be gathered from the candidate, and criteria used to assess the quality of performance.
Key to techniques or tools to be used: • A – Observation Tools – Observation with checklists and self assessment, Role Play/Oral Presentation, Work placement feedback or evidence gathered through work placement • B – Practical Tools – Projects / Portfolios, Folio of work • C – Written Tools – Questioning, Written Test, Case Study, Scenario problem solving, Dairy/Journal • D – Reports from workplace supervisor
Unit code
Unit name
Training and assessment staff
The training organization has established and verified that all trainers and assessors meet competency requirements, and continue to develop their competencies through professional development.
Unit code
Trainer and assessor
Team approach
Training and assessment validation process
Training and assessment in this program have been validated by consultation with industry, other training organizations, staff and students internally, and are reviewed annually, as well as other trainers, assessors and students, and comments for continual improvement noted. Training organizations have been consulted with regards to developing the training and assessment strategy, monitoring the training and assessment strategy, and developing and monitoring assessment tasks. Validators are asked:
Assessment tools should meet principles of assessment:
Assessment tasks are appropriate to demonstrate competency at the particular AQF level
Assessment allows demonstration of employability skills per unit requirements
Valid (relates to performance criteria, efficient range of performance sampled)
Reliable (assessed numerous times with consistent results)
Flexible (on/off job, convenient times)
Fair (reasonable adjustments made to sustain an activity for more than one assessment method, suit characteristics of individual)
Assessment tools should ensure:
Written information is grammatically correct and in plain English
Performance criteria is covered
Underpinning/essential unit skills/knowledge requirements are addressed
Critical aspects of unit assessment addressed
Addressing guidelines per the training package
Are adapted for clients with special needs
Cover WHS requirements for unit/industry
Includes expected answers to assessment questions
Have sufficient and clearly identified instructions and conditions for assessors and candidates
Date of version indicates current
Competencies are clearly identified and applied in assessment activities:
Assessment recognizes tasks required in the workplace
Assesses that student can manage number of different tasks on the job
Assesses skills for knowing what to do when things go wrong
Ensures understanding and fulfillment of expectations of the workplace
Assesses skills and knowledge is relevant and can be translated to new situations and contexts
The evidence gathering tools:
Provide sufficient evidence, which can be gathered over a period of time
Provides evidence which is in accordance with the rules of evidence, i.e. valid, authentic, current and sufficient
Meet the unit requirements
The course materials are derived from Flexible Learning Toolboxes, which have been developed as apart of the National VET e-learning strategy, in conjunction with industry.
Of a total pool of 0 validation requests submitted, this qualification has been validated 0 times. This is a feedback response rate of 0%.
Student feedback is collected and analyzed, to assist with continuous improvement processes. Students are all provided with opportunities to provide feedback throughout the course and assessment items. They are also given a satisfaction survey at the completion of the year. Students are asked to answer the following questions: • Whether the lecture was useful • If no, any comments • What has been your key point in your learning?
Finance is the study of funds management, which includes saving and lending money.
Important terms in the field are the concepts of the time value of money, and risk.
"Hi, my name is Mandy , and I graduated with a Bachelors Degree in Civil Engineering, before shifting into a hedge fund," Mandy remarked.
After achieving exceptional returns, Mandy was able to start her own fund with a capitalization of $500m, Mandycap.
This is the story of how Mandy did it.
Please note: Mandy is a fictional character, and is apart of the storyline that is adopted for pedagogical purposes for Mr. Shum's Classroom.
Under ASIC's Regulatory Guide 244, information provided is neither general nor personal advice. It is factual information intended only for the purposes of education. The information is not intended to imply any recommendation or opinion about a financial product.
Remember to determine the veracity of a web site by the author. Government web sites are vigorously policed, so provide transparent information. The Money Smart by ASIC web site is a great resource for high quality, truthful information.
"As ASIC states: The combination of high returns and low risk does not exist," Mandy remarked.
"If it did exist, by the efficient-market hypothesis, returns in excess of average market returns will be eliminated," Jamie replied.
This is a self paced course. The course coordinator will contact you shortly after your enrolment to help you get started. The entire duration of the course is 0 Need quicker turnaround? Enquire at Student helpdesk about RPL
Available by either distance education or online. Intensive courses are not available. Where practicable, distance education is discouraged, because audiovisual and other interactive flash technologies are not available offline
Training, assessment, and support services information
What you'll get
• soft copy (non-paper) unit guides • soft copy (non-paper) formative and summative assessment • student-student and student-teacher chat and forum support. During downtime, students will be provided with support via e-mail, mail, and telephone • an award of certificate upon successful completion of the course • trainers who care very much about students and their studies, who are experienced with the subject area, and teaching
Add ons
Hardcopy notes (+$350) (This option is required for students wanting to study by distance. Fee also covers cost to MR. SHUM'S CLASSROOM for postage and communication) Remove ads (not available for concession students) Scholarship - Enquire at the Student helpdesk (We offer varying levels of scholarships for students who can prove socioeconomic, rural, or other financial disadvantage. This can include Health Care Card, Senior Card, or persons who can otherwise demonstrate financial, socioeconomic, rural, or other disadvantage. Students will be assessed on a case by case basis, but in general, students with very severe financial disadvantage, such as homelessness, may receive a full waiver of fee; students with severe financial disadvantage, such as jobless single mother, may receive a 75% reduction in fee; students with financial disadvantage, such as jobless student, may receive 50% reduction in fee; and students who are concession, such as seniors, may receive 25% reduction in fee.) Price match - Enquire at the Student helpdesk (We will cheaper advertised price on an identical qualification offered by a genuine registered training organization, even if it's on sale, and beat it by 5%. This excludes recognition of prior learning, and contract pricing. Contact will be made to the cheaper organization to ensure places are available in the respective qualification. Price will be matched even if below cost. Price match will be honored for buyers who identify the cheaper price before enrolment, or within fourteen days of enrolment.)
Additional services
MR. SHUM'S CLASSROOM offers additional services, for which the fees are not included in the enrolment fee. This includes • Issuance of replacement qualification testamur, costing $60 • Fees for recognition of prior learning (RPL) and recognition of current competencies (RCC) is assessed on a case-by-case basis. Credit transfer is free of charge. RPL, RCC and credit transfer enquiries should be directed to the Student helpdesk. The standard purchase form should not be used • 20% collection fee, where overdue accounts have to be handed to debt collectors, which will only occur in extenuating circumstances because MR. SHUM'S CLASSROOM generally requires upfront collection of fees before the conduit of services • Fee charged to students who are deemed not yet competent within a set time frame, delineated per the Completion guarantee chapter
Client agreement: By making payment for this qualification, you are agreeing with the rights and obligations as stipulated below
• obligation to obtain required textbooks, whether they are physical or electronic copies, purchased or borrowed from a library. The course cost does not include the cost of the textbook • obligation to have access to video camera and microphone, computer of sufficient power, bandwidth, Microsoft Office or its equivalent • obligation to have proper student behavior • obligation to scan sufficient documentation to authenticate identity • obligation to answer email, phone and other communication • obligation to check your e-learning account regularly • obligation to follow reasonable instruction from college authorities • obligation to make your best effort in to study • obligation to follow the policies and procedures of the college
Completion guarantee
Students should be aware that MR. SHUM neither guarantees the student will complete a qualification within a given time, or eventually. This responsibility lies with the student. MR. SHUM however, does guarantee the rights of training and assessment as enlisted above. MR. SHUM will also provide repeated opportunities for the student to complete their chosen qualification, within three years of enrolment into a qualification, or ten failed attempts, whichever comes first. After this period, students will be charged 20% of the most recent fee of the (succeeding) qualification annually for further attempts (within that year) to complete the qualification.
Non-refundable administrative fee (+$55) (Waived for the first 6 months, as a promotional celebration of MR. SHUM'S CLASSROOM's genesis)
Payment terms
Payment plans not available. For financial difficulty, please consider applying for a scholarship. The fee required is: • The fee for the full qualification collected in advance, which will be followed by confirmation of place • Collection of fees through the secure online payment gateway, which accepts Visa and Mastercard, unless there are extenuating circumstances, where check, direct deposit, or even cash, may be permitted. Such requests should be directed to the Student helpdesk • Before being enroled into a qualification
(Registration is free, and requires no commitment to enrol)
Need help?
Connect with a tutor. NB: This is done at the unit level.
Qualification coordinator
Staff assistance only available to enroled students
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