Currently, MR. SHUM abides by the VET standards voluntarily (where applicable). Note therefore, that certain clauses may thus be inapplicable. MR. SHUM does not offer accredited qualifications. This may or may not change in the future.Employment policy
In line with
SNR 4.4 Qualified trainers and assessors, MR. SHUM has an employment policy. MR. SHUM engages in the recruitment process through a decision making tree, that requires all three limbs to be satisfied. This information is recorded in the database, with an entry for each unit a particular staff member teaches, to ensure nexus with the unit, as supposed only to the training package. These records are updated, and note taken of how staff have developed their VET knowledge and skills, trainer and assessor competence, and industry currency in accordance with the organization's currency requirements.
The staff competence schedule is enlisted below:
Unit name | Teacher | Competent to teach | Industry license | Sufficient exposure | Sufficient skill | Verified |
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