Currently, MR. SHUM abides by the VET standards voluntarily (where applicable). Note therefore, that certain clauses may thus be inapplicable. MR. SHUM does not offer accredited qualifications. This may or may not change in the future.
Learner needs policy1 Client needsIn line with SNR 5.1 Establish and meeting client needs, MR. SHUM collects data for analysis to ascertain client needs, including:
• Following admission into a qualification, students are asked whether there are particular needs that they may require catered to, whether they have any disabilities that should be taken note of, or other concerns they would like to express
• Automatically generated reports which outline students who may have difficulty logging on to the website, accessing course materials, engaging in course assessments, or engaging in a manner that is insufficiently participatory, or rare
• Feedback mechanism in place, to permit users to raise problems with trainers and assessors
• Complaint mechanism in place, to permit users to raise problems with senior management
• As a part of the Continuous improvement policy, collected data regarding communication with client services, quality surveys, provision of service surveys, and from automatically generated web analytics, to analyze the quality of service being delivered, so as to better meet client needs generally.
2 Training, assessment and support servicesIn line with SNR 5.5 Training, assessment and support services, MR. SHUM ensures that the services provided are of sufficient quality, and sufficiently contextualized, through:
• The learning management system, which is refined through prior user experience to ensure that each new learner receives the best possible, and consistent quality of training and assessment
• Staff induction notes, which provide guidelines for staff throughout training and assessment materials, for the basis on which students should be marked, how material should be taught, and so forth. These notes are created by prior trainers and assessors for subsequent staff, to ensure transitions between trainers and assessors which are as smooth as practicable
• As a part of the Quality training policy, industry consultation to ensure that the quality of training and assessment is benchmarked against other training organizations, the wider industry, and other competitors
• As a part of the Quality training policy, the use of open standards, to ensure that quality of training and assessment is universal throughout training organizations
• As a part of the Access and equity policy, the provision of pre-enrollment information so that the student is aware of the quality of training, assessment, and support service that is available