Currently, MR. SHUM abides by the VET standards voluntarily (where applicable). Note therefore, that certain clauses may thus be inapplicable. MR. SHUM does not offer accredited qualifications. This may or may not change in the future.Issuance and credit policy
In line with SNR 12 Strategy for certification, issuing and recognition of qualifications and statements of attainment, MR. SHUM provides all students with the opportunity to apply for formal recognition of prior skills, knowledge and competencies, at the point of registration. This occurs through a combination of RPL, RCC and credit transfer.
1 Issuance of certification
In line with
SNR 12.1 Issuance of certification, students who have successfully satisfied the competence requirements of the training package or accredited course, are entitled to receive documentation which certifies their successful completion. This recognition occurs automatically by the system which notes readiness for graduation, and will email students that they have successfully completed the course, and provide a PDF copy of a testamur. The testamur will also be issued by way of a printed document, that will be express posted to their recorded address. Staff will confirm that an alternative address is not required. The cost of the testamur and postage is included in the student fees, although replacements will incur a fee.
The testamur will clearly identify:
• In accordance with
SNR 12.1(a), the AQF requirements will be satisfied, by ensuring identification of the issuing organization, the graduate entitled to receive the qualification, the qualification by its full title, the date of issue/award/conferral, persons in the organization authorized to issue the documentation, and a unique corporate identifying watermark to ensure authenticity of document and reduce fraud
• In accordance with
SNR 12.1(b), National provider number, per the National Register
• In accordance with
SNR 12.1(c), the (required) use of the NRT logo on testamur, as well as other transcripts, per the Marketing policy
• Signature of the testamur by the Chief Executive Officer of MR. SHUM
An sample of the qualification testamur content is shown below:
An sample of the statement of attainment content (general) is shown below:
An sample of the statement of attainment content (including an identified skill set which meets a license or regulatory requirement, such as the Attorney General Department's requirement for registration as a marriage celebrant) is shown below:
An sample of the statement of attainment content (including an identified skill set which meets a defined industry need, such as the requirement for clinical coding in the health industry) is shown below:
The sample testamurs are representative of the final issuance, with the exception of:
• The font family which will be a professional font such as Arial; and the size of the certification, which will be determined by the maximum size which can fit the content all on a single A4 page
• The centralization of content which will occur on the final certification
• The unique corporate identifying watermark to ensure authenticity of document and reduce fraud
• The signature of the Chief Executive Officer
2 Recognition
To establish authenticity of documents that students are using to claim RPL, RCC or credit transfer, MR. SHUM will require official documents by post. Legitimacy will be checked using available means, particularly where students displays distinction between quality of work and alleged background. The establishment of authenticity is free for all students, to maintain academic integrity of the educational institution.
2.1 Credit transfer
In line with
SNR 12.2 Recognize other AQF qualifications and statements of attainment, MR. SHUM offers credit transfer, which is the recognition of AQF and VET qualifications and VET statements of attainment issued by any other registered training organization, school or university. It can grant exemption, transfer of credits, and course conversion. This assessment includes determination as to the extent of which the required learning outcome or competencies have been met by the prior unit, in matching the new unit. Generally, transfer is only permitted if there is direct mapping, and the acquisition was within the past 5 years. This may include credit transfer from outside the AQF (though if outside the AQF, there may be charges involved).
• Credit transfers will not normally be granted for studies completed more than 5 years prior to application, unless there is evidence of substantially relevant experience in recent years.
• Credit transfer is evidence based, meaning certified proof of qualification and complete academic transcript needs to be submitted. Samples of previous course outlines and materials may also need to be submitted.
• Although credit transfer is sometimes in full, usually, it will provide advanced standing, with additional work required to show full competency.
2.2 Recognition of prior learning
MR. SHUM offers recognition of prior learning, also known by the acronym RPL, which is the assessment of skill and knowledge acquired through previous training and/or experience, regardless of where these skills were obtained, to determine the extent to which the individual can achieve required learning outcomes, competency outcomes, for entry (full or partial) to the completion of a qualification, thereby reducing class time and assignments. Students can therefore focus on learning areas they are not strong in, and be able to skip areas they are capable in.
• Evidence of applicant's level of knowledge, understanding and skill varies depending on several mitigating factors, meaning wide discretion for prerogative judgment.
• Evidence needs to be shown where application is made on non-formal education, self-directed learning, or previous work/life experience.
• RPL assessment may involve interview or Q&A session to fully ascertain eligibility for RPL, with the appropriate requisite of cross-examination.
• Although RPL is sometimes in full, usually, will involve additional work to fully show competence in the unit.
2.3 Recognition of current competence
MR. SHUM offers recognition of current competence, also known by the acronym RCC, which is where an individual has successfully completed a prior competency/module/qualification, but due to requirements by licensing authorities to reassess to ensure competence has been maintained.
• Appropriate evidence is needed to demonstrate currency. Industry guidelines and/or licensing requirements may appropriate indicia.
• RCC is generally granted for a full unit of competence.
The ratio decendi behind skills recognition is provided in full to the student, and maintained in the student's perm file, indicating reasons for granting or not granting recognition. This enables discussion of assessment, explanation, as well as opportunity to discuss grounds for appeal.
If a student changes qualification enrollment, the skills recognition needs to be done de novo.
3 Retention and provision of client records of attainment
In line with
SNR 12.3 Retention of client records of attainment for a stipulated period, client records of attainment of units of competency and qualifications will be retained for a period of 30 years. Data is retended and archived, in accordance with the Regulatory interaction policy.
In line with
SNR 12.4 Provision of client records of attainment regularly, client records can be retrieved and transferred, in accordance with the Regulatory interaction policy. The Chief Executive is responsible for ascertaining the provisional requirements of the national VET regulator, and that information is being handed over regularly.
4 Implementation of a national unique student identifier
In line with
SNR 12.6 Implementation of a national unique student identifier, MR. SHUM's client records system is, apart from being AVETMISS compliant per the Data provision policy, caters for both an internal ID, utilized for pre-identifier period as well as students who do not yet have an identifier; and an external ID, which is the student's national unique student identifier code.